Friday, March 27, 2009

Envision Success with Scripting

I don't know about you, but before a big date, many folks are afraid of failure- they are seeing all sorts of disastrous outcomes.

Or they are excited and hoping for a great outcome, but still, they aren't quite expecting an awesome ending to the evening.

To be success, you've got to see success.

So before your date, spend a few minutes envisioning everything going perfectly well.

Play it out in the movie theater of your mind.

- Imagine what you'd love to hear when they first see you.
- See all of the little things someone does when they really like you: imagine them opening the door for you, touching you on the shoulder or forearm, smiling wide.
- See the date going splendidly as you laugh your way through the evening, in easy enjoyment.

- And most importantly- see how you desire the date to end!
Picture the hug or kiss you'd like to get.
Hear what you'd love to have them say to you.
Feel what it will be like when they ask you out again because they can't wait to see you.

This process is called Scripting.

And everyday scripting can turn your dreams into reality.

Try it tonight and let me know how it goes!

Readers: When has what you seen in your head before a date actually happened to you?! Please share!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Dig a Little Deeper

The same old questions make first, second, and third dates feel stale.

Dig deeper to learn more about your date with this question: "Tell me something hardly anyone knows about you."

Not only will you learn something less superficial about your date, but by paying attention to HOW they answer the question, you'll learn even more about WHO they are!

- Are they evasive?
- Do they give the question an honest shot? Or do you get some surface level answer?
- Are they comfortable opening up a little?
- What kinds of things do they tend to keep to themselves?

Of course, offer to share your own answer to the question, too!

Real connection is about getting below the surface- so open up a little with an invitation to go deeper! And see where it takes you!